Title: World Changers & History Makers
Date: 14th July 2015, Tuesday
Time: 9.30am – 1pm. Lunch provided.
Registration: 9.15am
Venue: Emmanuel Christian Assembly
Address: 32-34 Wisma Emmanuel, Jalan Long Jaafar, 34000 Taiping, Perak
Speaker: Dr. Kevin Dyson
Dr. Kevin together with his wife, Joy have been actively involved in
church planting, Christian education, pastoral leadership and biblical counselling for over 49 years.
Together, they have functioned as “pastors to pastors” all around the globe, building a mentoring network of pastoral church leaders and front-line mission workers on 5 continents.
Kevin Dyson holds a Master of Religious Education, a Doctor of Divinity as well as Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Counselling.
Currently he is the President of New Covenant International in Australia