What is ECC Malaysia?

It is a fellowship of ministers and churches who agree that they are alike in doctrine, vision, character, values and purpose, and it provides the context for accountability amongst the ministers and churches.

Our goal is “covering without control!”

ECC Msia is a covering body only in so far as it provides a context for spiritual relationship and oversight without having any official or legal control over any minister or church.

As a fellowship of ministers and churches, ECC Msia provides a context to find strengthening and supportive relationships with other peers and fatherly ministries (However these relationships are not intended to replace the legal and official authority of the local church).

Mission Statement

ECC Msia exists to promote and nurture relationship amongst member ministers and churches, strengthening and equipping them to be more effective in building and multiplying strong churches.

Our Philosophy

ECCM’s philosophy is expressed in the acronym PRAISE.

P rotection through covering
R elationship through commitment
A ccountability through corporate governance
I mpact through joint efforts
S upport through care and guidance
E quipping through training

Our Vision

The vision for ECC Msia is to impact our nation for Jesus Christ through strong local churches and church plants around the country that uphold the high moral and ethical standards taught in the Bible.

Peer Relationship

Every minister of the Lord needs to know the support of peers. ECC Msia seeks to assist them to develop their relationship, stand in love and encouragement with each other, and to be open and accountable to one another.

Pastoral Ministry

Constant ministry by pastors and leaders involves them always giving out. ECC Msia provides an opportunity for shepherds to be sheep and receive pastoral ministry themselves so that they can be revitalized to be better shepherds and ministers of the Lord.

Power In Unity

By joining together, pastors and ministers will be able to make a greater impact in their communities, nation and the world. Together they can make a difference and realize shared goals and visions.

Perseverance For Renewal

By joining hands to press on, pastors can pray and work together for renewal and revival in their churches and the nation.

Our Leadership Team


Eu Hong Seng (Chairman)

Full Gospel Tabernacle, Petaling Jaya

Simon Chandran

Emmanuel Christian Assembly, Taiping

Ron Hee

New Life Restoration Centre, Petaling Jaya

Admin Committee Members

Justin Segar (Executive Pastor)

Alpha Colors, Glenmarie

Elisha Satvinder

New Covenant Centre, Kuala Lumpur

Noel Ha

All Nations Church, Petaling Jaya

Voon Yuen Woh

Full Gospel Tabernacle, Seremban

Tay Wah Seng

The Vineyard Church, Johor Bahru

Daniel Benny Loh

Charis Word Centre, Selayang Baru

Our Objectives

To serve Evangelical Charismatic Churches through:



ECC Msia seeks to provide a ‘voice’ for the independent charismatic churches.


Often misunderstood for their ‘independence’, ECC Msia will provide authentication and lend credibility to churches in this category.


ECC Msia seeks to provide care, guidance and practical help for its member churches.

Our F.A.T Approach


Periodically, pastors and leaders of ECC Msia will meet for conferences and fellowship.


Finance: Accounts to be drawn up annually, within 6 months of the year end. Churches with receipts above RM 100K will be audited.

Moral: Willing to be held accountable to peers.

Leadership: Minimum guidelines for leadership structure / committee set in place in all churches.


General Training: for both church leaders and congregation members of member churches.

Senior Pastors Training: through camps seminars, and personal mentoring